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When I was approx. at the age of 12, I inherited a notebook that had belonged to my great-grandfather, the miller in Aarsdale.

In the little notebook he had noted experiences with birds and animals at the mill, in the fields and in the Paradise Hills. I was fascinated by his experiences, and it gave me an interest in nature and especially the birds. The interest has continued and has inspired many drawings and watercolours.

In my adult life in connection with work and involvement in development work in North and West Africa, I meet many fantastic people. I have been captivated by their stories and have started to draw portraits. On my travels, I always bring my "carnet de voyage" for sketches and for small watercolours, which I might want to work on when I'm back in DK.

I paint the birds as I see them  at the moment - trying to reproduce what is characteristic of each individual bird, especially focusing on the eye and gaze.

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